New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, March 28, 2025
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8. To Walk the Walk

The camps and the 'runs' were built up on pilings (which look just like telephone poles) so this was all about 10 feet above the water level. Some people, and most dogs, were afraid to even walk on the 'run'.

You always knew who was afraid to walk the 'walk' because these people always looked at their feet, took tiny little steps, and took forever to get into the camp. We used to laugh at them.

Kids have been walking the 'walk' at the camps for ages. Your great-great-great grandparents might have. Here's a quote from a book written in 1912 by an old woman (when she was 80 years old!) who is remembering growing up in New Orleans. She talks with envy about her neighbors:

'There was a family living near us who owned and occupied a large, fine home on St. Joseph Street, while we and the Grimshaws and Beins lived in rented houses near by. They had, besides, a summer home 'over the lake' (and none of us had!).

The link below takes you to the entire book. It takes quite a while to load so be patient. You can use your browsers 'Find' option to get to this quote (find 'lake')

You can also read all aboout 'picayunes'--which you've heard about all of your life since our newpaper is called the 'Times-Picayune'. You'll probably be surprised to find our what a 'picayune' is. (find 'picayune') .