New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, March 28, 2025
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St. Joseph's Day


A St. Joseph Altar is an offering of love, labor and sacrifice in honor of
the patron saint of the Sicilians and the Universal Church. According to legend
about the origin of the St. Joseph Altar, Sicily was plagued by drought and
famine many centuries ago. In desperation the people turned to St. Joseph,
asking his help and intercession. When the rains came and the crops prospered,
the prayers of the people of Sicily were answered. In thanksgiving, the people
made offerings to St. Joseph of their most prized possession - foods made from
the bountiful harvest. In his honor they erected a lovely altar with three
levels, representing the Holy Trinity. They draped it simply and beautifully in
white, adorned it with flowers and then selected their finest grain, fruits,
vegetables, seafood and wine. The poor were invited to share in the prayers and

Source: href="">

Pictured is the St. Joseph's Day Altar at
color=#808040>St. Joseph Church
1802 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA