Who is the subject (in othuh woids, who's da lady in'na pictcha?) " />
New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, March 28, 2025
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This statue, designed by Enrique Alferez, was installed in 1988 on Magazine Street.

This can't be the right answer, but it looks a bit like Peter O'Toole in 'Lawrence of Arabia'. (Surely I get a quarter of a point for a movie-related effort for that?)

Ah was thinkin nat she looks like Anne Sullivan watchin Helen pull some konna stunt. But Isabella was right--it's Sophie B. Write at Magazine and Sophie Wright Place in'na Sophie Wright Park dey got dere. Accawdin to
"Sophie B. Wright (1886-1919) is one of many outstanding educators that greatly influenced the New Orleans area. Beginning at age 14, when she founded the Home Institute, a well regarded private school, Sophie Wright also started the first free night school for working boys who otherwise would have gone without any formal education.

This statue of Sophie B. Wright, designed by artist Enrique Alferez, was installed in 1988 and is located in Sophie Wright Park on Magazine Street at the corner of Sophie B. Wright place.

There is also a junior high school named for Sophie Wright and, although now coed, it was the first public girl's school in the city, as well as the first public building in New Orleans named for a woman.

Information Source: Gehman, Mary and Ries, Nancy. Women and New Orleans A History. New Orleans, LA: Margaret Media, Inc. 1996."

Back in da '60's I wuz a Wright Warrior!!! Went ta Wright Junior High on Napoleon Ave. all t'ree yeahs a jr. hi. Summada bes' yeahs a ma life. Loved it dere. Went ta school wit' lotsa goils frum da St. Elizabeth Home across da street (Prytania St. was on da side a it). Mos' wuddnt orphans, but jus' kids wit' parents who woiked outta town or traveled lots wit' dere jobs an such.

Dat's when I yoosta stop off at da Woolswoit at Napoleon an' Magazine every evening when I hadda change buses ta da Magazine bus. I tink it wuz 6 cents ta ride back den.

Separate note.....wonnada authors ya quoted, Mary Gehman, yoosta be ma apawtment naybah when I hadda apawtment on da Avenue back in da oily '70's....ah, sweet yooth!!!