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New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
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One of my favorite murals in the city. Artist--Tony Green. Where is this?

That photo was from http://www.rockandbowl.com/Historypage/history.html and the mural is located at Rock 'N' Bowl, 4133 S. Carrollton. The website says:

On Halloween Day, 1988, the center did a gross sale of only $29, including bowling and bar. The following morning, Blancher took it over. Deborah Blancher says that she thought her husband was a little "nuts". Indeed, Blancher almost proved his critics right. Two months after he bought Mid City Lanes, he was talking with his lawyer about bankruptcy proceedings. His bank turned him down for another loan. Still, he kept the lanes open, hiring local artist Tony Green to paint an optimistic mural depicting the former Pelican Stadium. And rather than add amenities such as underground ball returns or automatic scoring, he changed the impact pinsetter to a magic eye. I wanted the place to look just like 1958," he reasons.

Tony Green also did the mural downstairs at the Rock 'N' Bowl Cafe - This downstairs addition to Mid-City Lanes Rock 'N' Bowl offers a variety of local musicians included in the pay-one-price cover charge for the bands upstairs. Not to be missed is guitarist Tony Green's mural of ancient (circa l957) Canal Street. From http://www.neworleanshotels.com/clubs.html

For true Tony Green Fans, here's more about him. Even if you're not a fan, check out the long list of commissions for work all around the city:

Tony Green was born in Naples, Italy, in 1954 and grew up on New Orleans' West Bank. He began his studies at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C.; and over the years continued to travel and study in many parts of the world. In 1982, Tony returned to his native Italy- beginning a yearly tradition that has lasted for more than a decade. Today, and for the past 16 years, Tony spends each summer in Venice, capturing on canvas the romance of the city, its people and street scenes. His chief sources of inspiration are Velasquez, John Singer Sargent and the Spanish painter Sorolla.

Driven by the belief that "marketing has replaced mechanics and numbed our souls", he says- Tony adheres to a self imposed program of study, observation and practice. To counteract what he calls the increasing lack of "basic mechanics" that have for centuries been the foundation of truly great art, Tony calls upon the arts community to encourage a reemphasis on technique- by engaging more good teachers to pass on to today's artists the skills of the old and new masters. Tony's national international awards over the last twenty years are matched only in number by his commissions and solo exhibitions. New Orleans residents know Tony's work from the various murals about town- including the Storyville Music Hall triptyc that now finds its home in the Louisiana State Museum's Jazz Collection; and the equally well known Mid-City Bowling Lanes Mural of life in the 1950's.

He is also responsible for the Harrah's Casino Mural, Marriot Hotel Mural and various Mardi Gras krewe posters including Orpheus, Krewe D' Etat, and the prestigious Rex Proclumation. Last but not least, Tony was the cover story for the November 1994 edition of the American Artist Magazine. Despite his acclaim, one of the nicest surprises about Tony Green is his accessibility. For information about Tony, his paintings or his music, your welcome to contact him directly. With the exception of summers spent in Venice, Tony maintains his residence and studio in New Orleans' historic French Quarter. You can find him there- 518 Governor Nicholls Street- New Orleans, La. 70116- (504) 522-8379. E-mail: antonioverde@Yahoo.com,


1999 Karen Frank Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1997 Gallery Bouma, Amsterdam, Holland
1997 Suite 103 Gallery, Jackson, Missisippi
1997 Academy Gallery, New Orleans, La,
1996 Gallery Bouma, Amsterdam, Holland
1995 Academy Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1995 Rodgers Menzies Interiors, Memphis, Tennesse
1994 The Venice Collection, Bacco Resaurant, New Orleans, La.
1994 Imbragulio Gallery, Jackson, Mississippi
1993 Academy Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1993 Eden Hotel, Arosa, Switzerland
1992 Cason Gallery, Baton Rouge, La.
1992 Pickney Simmons Gallery, Columbia, South Carolina
1991 Venice in Peril (fund raiser for the Save Venice Foundation) Academy Gallery
1991 Wendy Morehead Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1991 London Palace Hotel, Venice, Italy
1990 Wendy Morehead Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1990 Griffith-Menard Gallery, Baton Rouge, La.
1989 Miriam Walmsley Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1988 Eaton Gallery, Memphis, Tennesse
1988 Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, La.
1988 LeMieux Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1987 Academy Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1986 Cadogan Gallery, London, England
1986 LeMiex Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1985 Traghetto Gallery, Venice, Italy
1985 Gallery Benedict, Shreveport
1984 Academy Gallery, New Orleans, La.
1984 Circolo Ufficale, Arsenale, Venice, Italy
1982 LeMieux Gallery, New Orleans, LA.
1981 "Visions of West Africa", Westend Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1980 "Drawings from New Orleans", LaTrec Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1978 Gallery Lotus, Brugge, Belgium


1999 Krewe of Rex Poster, New Orleans, La.
1999 Krewe D' Etat Poster, New Orleans, La.
1998 Krewe D' Etat Poster, New Orleans, La.
1997 Marriot Hotel Mural, New Orleans, La.
1997 Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Poster
1997 Canal Street Mural, Mid-City Bowling Lanes, N.O. La.
1996 New Orleans Opera Guild Poster, N.O.La.
1995 Krewe of Orpheus Poster, N.O.La.
1995 Garlic Clove Restaurant Mural, N.O.La.
1995 Harrah's Casino Mural, N.O.La.
1994 Cover and Feature Story in American Artist Magazine, Nov. 1994
1993 Best of Show, Pirate's Alley FAir, N.O.La.
1993 New Orleans Arts Festival, Poster Artist, N.O.La.
1992 New Orleans Magazine 50 People to Watch
1992 Storyville Music Hall Mural, N.O.La.
1992 WYES TV Poster Artist, N.O.La.
1991 Mid- City Bowling Lanes Mural, N.O.La.
1990 Miriam Walmsley Gallery, N.O.La.
1990 Dashka Roth Gallery, N.O.La.
1989 Susan Conway Gallery , Washington D.C.
1989 Academy Gallery, N.O.La.
1988 Extempo, Festa D' Italia, 1st Place for Watercolor
1987 Tom Peyton Memorial Arts Festival, 1st Place for Oil Painting
1986 Pirate's Alley Art Fair, 1st Place for Watercolor
1983 San Vidal Gallery, Venice, Italy
1982 Winslow Homer Award for Landscape Painting
1981 Chevy Chase Art Fair, 1st Place for Watercolor
1979 Accra Arts Council Exhibition, Accra, Ghana
1978 Termote Gallery, Eeklo, Belgium
1977 "44 Covers by 44 Artists", Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.


Tony Green is also a musician. Very talented guy. See http://www.vguitar.com/music/details.asp?ID=214


he did a FISH in the Festival of Fins.
Location Blitch / Knevel Architects, 757 St Charles Ave (Julia at St Charles) From http://www.amberle.com/FestivalOfFins/pages/webbwsm20000525_05-22a_Michelangelfish.htm