New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, March 28, 2025
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1926 - Near West End


1926 - Near West End

1927 - Milneburg

4/18/1927-was taken looking west from a point about 500 feet north of road and about 100 feet west of track at Milneburg. Source:

1927 - Milneburg

1927 - Near L&N Tracks at Milneburg

3/4/1927 -- was taken looking east from the intersection of the L&N railroad tracks and the levee at Milneburg. Source:

1927 - Near L&N Tracks at Milneburg

1990s - Looking West from Parry Road

Looking west from Trahan's Cajun Hideaway.

1990s - Looking West from Parry Road

1990s - East of Parry Road

View East of Trahans Cajun Hideaway

1990s - East of Parry Road

1998 - During Hurricane Georges

Unidentified camp during Hurricane Georges. This camp did not survive the storm. Notice that surrounding camps had already been destroyed by the hurricane when this photo was shot. Source:

1998 - During Hurricane Georges






1923 - Near the Bird Cage cottage in Milneburg

10/10/1923--was taken in front of the "Bird Cage" cottage at Milneburg, looking toward the lake. Source:

1923 - Near the Bird Cage cottage in Milneburg

1928 - Near Milneburg Lighthouse (later Pontchartrain Beach)

7/31/1928-showing the bulkhead of the seawall with the old Milneburg lighthouse in the background and camps to the left. Source:

1928 - Near Milneburg Lighthouse (later Pontchartrain Beach)

Unknown, modern

Unknown, modern

Unknown, modern #2

Unknown, modern #2

1998 - During Hurricane Georges--near the Lakefront Airport.

The waves of Hurricane Georges bully one of the last standing fishing camps on Hayne Boulevard. Pilings all around it supported other camps that didn't survive the storm. Times-Picayune file photo

1998 - During Hurricane Georges--near the Lakefront  Airport.

1980s or 1990s - View of Many camps

Times-Picayune Photo

1980s or 1990s - View of Many camps

1990s - Sunset

1990s - Sunset

1998 - During Hurricane Georges, Camp Struggles to Survive

The ravages of Georges in action

1998 - During Hurricane Georges, Camp Struggles to Survive

View from the Amtrac train.

View from the Amtrac train.

View from the Amtrac train, #2

View from the Amtrac train, #2

1998 - During Hurricane Georges, the center of the camp survives

Only the center room survived Hurricane Georges. The porches surrounding the camp have been wiped away.

1998 - During Hurricane Georges, the center of the camp survives

1998 - After Hurricane Georges, September 29, 1998

Chuck Klein looks at a friend's fishing camp down the lake from his own fishing camp at Little Woods Monday. Klein's camp was one of the last few standing during the heavy winds and waves from Hurricane George. Photo by Jennifer Zdon/The Times-Picayune

1998 - After Hurricane Georges, September 29, 1998

Unknown, vintage photograph

Unknown, vintage photograph

1956 - Unknown near the Causway

We're trying to figure out which side of the Lake this photo depicts and which camp in included in this 1956 postcard.

1956 - Unknown near the Causway

1957 or later - Unknown near the Causway, #2

Almost the same view as above but the camp is gone--only the pilings & some of the back walk remains. Date unknown.

1957 or later - Unknown near the Causway, #2

1930s or 40s - With an Alligator

Postcard reads "LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN LA, CATCHING ALLIGATOR". Date unknown. Notice camp in background.

1930s or 40s - With an Alligator

1930s or 40s - Near Shushan (Lakefront) Airport

Postcard showing Shushan (now "Lakefront) Airport--notice the camps to the left of the airport. Date unknown--probably the 1930s or 1940s. Notice also that the surrounding land has not yet been highly "urbanized" or "suburbanized".

1930s or 40s - Near Shushan (Lakefront) Airport

1912 Postcard

Reads "Entrance to Bath House Spanish Fort on Lake Ponchartrain, New Orleans, Louisiana" Copyright 1912 H.J.Harvey

1912 Postcard

1910 - West End, or the West Shore of Lake Pontchartrain

- several yacht clubs and the lighthouse can be seen, as well as camps in the background. Postcard published by Lipsher Specialty of New Orleans-card is posted 1910 New Orleans.

1910 - West End, or the West Shore of Lake Pontchartrain