New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
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Christmas Lights

Christmas Light Displays
Sun Dec 15 2002 9:03:45 pm

Ah'm gonna be in town da Sattidy befoah Christmas. Aw dere any good light displays besahds Copelands and Christmas unna da Oaks?

Metairie street...
There's that street (actually a couple of them) in Kenner where all the houses do elaborate displays with lights, cars, Christmas villages, and wild juxtapositions of characters sacred, secular, and Disney. I seem to recall that it's just off West Esplanade in the section of streets named for states -- Kentucky, Massachusetts, etc. Tacky but fun.

I'm thinking it's Tennessee St./Ave. and some surrounding streets around there off W. Esplanade.

Celebration in Kennah...
It's also on Maryland between 33rd & West Esplanade. It's gawjus.

Also Texas Ave. If you go to maps and type in Maryland Dr. Kenner, LA, you can see the roof of my house.

I see...
dat ya' practasin ya Yat in preparation faw ya' visit ta da' Cresent City.

Do ya' fon (find) dat ya gotta make ya mout (mouth) move funny when ya tryin'na figyah out how'ta type in Yat?
Ah do.

Even Hawda ta do...
when ya bin an ex-pat-yat for fifteen yeahs!

Thank ya, hawts!...
We gonna do owah best to get to see summa da lights, but Ah foun out last night dat my bes buddy from Chapelle is gonna be in town dat night and staying at da same hotel as me. Gonna try to hook up wit huh and huh husban! It'll be treat to see em.