New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Telephone Exchanges



 Katz & Besthoff Drugs
Almost any New Orleanian could probably identify the origin of this blotter, even if the store's name were not visible; to people born and raised in New Orleans, this shade of purple meant only one thing: K & B. The first K & B--or Katz & Besthoff--drug store opened in 1905 at 732 Canal Street; the second four years later, and from there, the chain continued to multiply until the city and its surrounding communities were dotted with dozens of K & B purple signs. In 1997, to the chagrin of many in New Orleans, K & B was sold to Rite-Aid, and the familiar purple vanished from the streets.
Image & text source:

Click Here for the New Orleans Public Library's ' New Orleans Telephone Exchanges Through the Years'