New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
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New Orleans is a city of neighborhoods--incuding those in the suburbs:

Topic: Neighborhoods
Posted by: Cathy at Fri Jul 12 12:47:28 2002
New Orleans is a city of neighborhoods--incuding those in the suburbs.

My first homes in New Orleans was in Carrolton (Eagle and Leonidis streets)but I don't remember them well because we moved to Metaire when I was 5 years old. So I'd have to say I grew up in "Westgate" the neighborhood where Chapelle High School is located.

Posted by: OKYat at Sun Jul 14 16:00:53 2002
Lived in Old Metairie near Metairie Road and Fagot Street until I was 7. (Remembah nah, get off da bus bah Lee's Cleanahs. If ya miss dat spot get off at da nex one, bah da telephone company buildin.) My family then moved to the "sticks", Bridgedale subdivision near Clearview and West Metairie. Clearview was a shelled road that only went as far as West Napolean, and the street we lived on was also shelled and only cut through up to our house. (In the summer da parish would spread crude oil on the shells to keep the dust down. I often think about what the EPA would do about that today!) We were surrounded by woods (watch out fa snakes!)until the early '70s when they cut through all the streets and paved them. Following that there was a building explosion, and we all know the rest. You can tell where the "pioneers" lived -- there are a few elevated frame houses scattered in the midst of a sea of brick slab houses.

Posted by: Fogeyjane at Sun Jul 14 12:03:51 2002
My stomping ground from late 40s through the 50s was lower middle class Gentilly--Annette St. half-a-block off Mirabeau Ave. We used to ride all over on out bikes--to Norman Meyer Library, to the Pitt and Tiger Theaters, to Parkchester Shopping Center, even to Bayou St. John before the nice homes were built along its bank.

In 1960 my family was one of the pioneers in Donna Villa (Gentilly East). I hated being so far away from civilization. I think I spent half of my teen years on NOPSI buses.

Topic: Naturally, "LakeviewGal"...
Posted by: LakeviewGal at Fri Jul 12 21:53:00 2002
...grew up in Lakeview! Several different houses, but mostly around Polk Ave. and Catina St. - later, Louisville St. I remember it as a very pleasant, homey sort of area.