New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, July 26, 2024
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Posted by: Rita at Sun Jun 23 22:16:49 2002

Posted by: BB at Mon Jun 24 07:31:50 2002
Waterbury's on Canal Street was the only drug store open 24 hours back then. If you needed paragoric or Nupercainal or some Pertussin in the middle of the night, that was the only place to go.

Topic: Nupercainal?
Posted by: Cathy at Mon Jun 24 10:14:17 2002
I don't know what Nupercainal is.
Is Waterbury's still open? If not, what's there now?

Topic: RE: Nupercainal?
Posted by: BB at Mon Jun 24 10:40:33 2002
I believe Waterbury's was on the corner where the Sheraton is now. In fact, there is a Waterbury Conference Center that has the same address as the hotel. Clever, no?

As for Nupercainal, it was a popular means of shrinking the size of hemorrhoidal tissues, before your Prep H cawnud da mawkit.