New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, March 28, 2025
Photo Albums1600sFrench explorer Pierre LeMoyne Sieur d'Iberville (March 26 - 30) enters the waterway, which his men name the d'Iberville River (later to be renamed Bayou Manchac)...
1700sBienville founded the City of New Orleans at present site because of easy access to the Mississippi River through Lake Pontchartrain and Bayou St. John...
1810sNew Orleans becomes part of the United States after the Louisiana Purchase. Several important ports flourish on Lake Pontchartrain's shores...
1830sThe Pontchartrain Railroad was the second completed in the United States. It began operation in 1831...
1840sFounded in 1849, the Southern Yatch club, the second oldest in the United States, prospered enough to building this attractive frame structure in 1879...
1850sArticle from HARPER'S NEW MONTLY MAGAZINE, December 1858. Woodcut engraving 'The Light-House, Lake Pontchartrain'....
1860sNow it is not only the wealthy who get to enjoy the lakeshore resorts. Families spend their holidays by taking 'Smoky Mary,' the train to Milneberg...
1870sBeginning about 1871 and fully developed by 1880 the man-made land of West End near the entrance to the Basin, with its park and pathways, bandstand, pavillions...
1880sSailing boats on Lake Pontchartrain, The Southern Yacht Club-Captain William L. Challoner c. 1880...
1890s1900s1910sClick Here to hear "Livery Stable Blues" recorded in 1917 by the New Orleans Dixieland Jass Band. This is the first jazz recorded ever recorded. 1928-1983 Pontchartrain BeachOriginally at Spanish Fort, Pontchartrain Beach moved to the Milneburg (now U.N.O.) area in 1928. For 55 years, Pontchartrain Beach was the annual summertime destination for many New Orleanians but was for 'whites only' until the mid 1960s (Linclon Beach served Black residents from 1955-65). Click Here to hear a Pontchartrain Beach radio commercial from the early 1960s (found on Bob Walkers website). 1930s1940s1950s1960sClick Here to hear the Pontchartrain Beach Jingle as well as a 1960s radio commercial for 'the beach' (from Bob Walker's website) 1970sPontchartrain Beach swimming area closes due to unacceptable levels of pollution...
Amusement Parks & Resorts at Spanish FortBefore you begin this blast from the past you might want to click here to hear Alligator Crawl recorded by Louis Armstrong & his Hot Seven in 1927. Baronne StreetBourbon StreetCanal StreetCommon StreetDecatur St.FebruaryJefferson HighwayLabarre RoadMarchMilneburg/Pontchartrain Beach/UnoMonticello AvenueMusic InfoJazz was born & bred at Milneburg, Spanish Fort, Little Woods, Bucktown, and West End. In later years Jazz, the Blues, Soul, & Rock could be heard at Pontchartrain Beach & Lincoln Beach Amusement Parks. Click on the photos (below) to view larger versions. Orleans StreetPoydras StreetPre-HistoryNative Americans were the first settlers along Bayou St. John & the Lakefront. They later showed the French the route from the Lake, down Bayou St. John, to the river. Royal StreetSpanish Fort/Bayou St. John/Old BeachSt. CharlesTchoupitoulas StreetThe 60sThe BestThe CampsThe French Quarter's People and PlacesThe LakefrontToulouse StreetWest End |